9º Simposio Argentino Jóvenes Investigadores Bioinformática

5 y 6 de noviembre de 2024

Nov 5, 2024 9:00 AM  UNLP (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) – Presential event


9no Simposio Argentino de Jóvenes Investigadores en Bioinformática

9SAJIB deck 💻 The official language of the 9SAJIB is Spanish Sponsors and collaborators: ISCB-SC, A2B2C Besides registration and attendance, participation in this event requires acceptance of the following Code of Conduct (in Spanish). Symposium Topics Ómicas Ecología y Evolución Bioinformática estructural Bioinformática en industria Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial Desarrollo de algoritmos y herramientas Bioinformática clínica y traslacional Educación y extensión Modelado y simulación de sistemas biológicos Quimioinformática Certificates Workshop attendance certificates Certificate of participation in 9SAJIB Social Media Twitter Linkedin Instagram Facebook Youtube channel

RSG Argentina

The Argentine Regional Student Group (i.e RSG-Arg) is a non-profit academic group intended to aid young researchers among the bioinformatics and computational biology fields. Sponsored by the International Society of Computational Biology and partner of an ever-growing world-wide network of regional groups, we aim to help undergrad and graduate students, as well as young PIs, to make the most of their academic development capabilities. We do this by hosting yearly conferences, organizing hands-on workshops/courses, and making career talks with renowned scientists in the field.

Born in 2010, the group has grown to have a rather multifaceted approach that not only has kept the “academic career enhancement” moto, but also moved to new, challenging endeavors like science communication writing, wikipedia hackathon organizing, merchandising design & development, among others. New members are always welcomed to join in and help however the want. Come to the dry side, we have coffee!

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