Monthly Archives: September 2015

19th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation

October 4-9, 2015         Pacific Grove, CaliforniaJens Stougaard

Speaker: Professor Jens Stougaard from Deptartment Molecular Biology & Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark

Discover how bacteria sweet-talk their way into plants

Professor Jens Stougaard and col. have discovered how legumes are able to tell helpful and harmful invading bacteria apart. The research has implications for improving the understanding of how other plants, animals and humans interact with bacteria in their environment and defend themselves against hostile infections. These findings can have profound implications for both agricultural research and medical science.

Their study, which changes the understanding of carbohydrates as signal molecules, is newly published in the leading international journal Nature.

Legumes form a unique symbiotic relationship with bacteria known as rhizobia, which they allow to infect their roots. This leads to root nodules being formed in which the bacteria convert nitrogen from the air into ammonia that the plant can use for growth. Exactly how these plants are able to distinguish and welcome compatible rhizobia for this self-fertilising activity – while halting infection by incompatible bacteria – has been a mystery.

Now the researchers at the Centre for Carbohydrate Recognition and Signalling (CARB) from Denmark and New Zealand and their collaborators from the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA, have determined how legumes perceive and distinguish compatible bacteria based on the exopolysaccharides featuring on the invading cells’ surfaces.

Using an interdisciplinary approach involving plant and microbial genetics, biochemistry and carbohydrate chemistry, the researchers have identified the first known exopolysaccharide receptor gene, called Epr3.


“BIO.IBEROAMÉRICA 2016: Biotechnology integrating continents”

5th to 8th June 2016, Salamanca (Spain)


Concurso para cargo Técnico (CPA-CONICET) en BIOLAB-Azul, vinculado al INBIOTEC

Novedades SAFV (Sociedad Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal)

XXXI Reunión Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal    en    la    Ciudad   de   Corrientes, 13-16 Noviembre 2016

Historia de la Investigación Bioquímica en la Argentina

FIBA e INBIOTEC invitan al


Prof. Pontis - Historia de la Investigación en Bioquímica en la Argentina

15 de septiembre de 2015 en VIEYTES 3103 – Mar del Plata, a las 13:15 horas.

Se agradece CONFIRMAR ASISTENCIA vía E-mail ( hasta el  14 DE SEPTIEMBRE

Nutrient pollution – Harmful Algal Blooms

The Effects

 Notice - An algae bloom has made this area potentially unsafe for water contact. Avoid direct contact with visible surface scum.

Nutrient pollution can have various effects on human health, the environment and the economy.

Nutrient pollution and harmful algal blooms cause major environmental damage as well as serious health problems in people and animals.

Nutrient pollution and algal blooms also take a toll on the economy, hurting industries and sectors that depend on clean water. Federal, state and local governments spend billions of dollars per year to combat nutrient pollution or prevent its effects.

Learn more about:

Primeras Jornadas sobre eutrofización y floraciones algales nocivas en el Río Uruguay

La CARU Comisión Administradora del Río Uruguayllevó a cabo las Primeras Jornadas sobre eutrofización y floraciones algales nocivas en el Río Uruguay entre el 19 y 21 de agosto del 2015 en Colón Entre Ríos.Si desean ver las presentaciones pueden realizarlo desde la página de la CARU:
Asimismo en la página de las jornadas se encuentra en novedades el libro de resúmenes.