ASPB Plant Science Research Articles of the Week – June 20, 2024

Plant Physiology Article of the Week: Glutamine Induces Lateral Root Initiation, Stress Responses, and Disease Resistance in Arabidopsis
The spotlight is on Hong-Sheng Liao, Kim-Teng Lee, Yi-Hsin Chung, Soon-Ziet Chen, Yi-Jie Hung, and Ming-Hsiun Hsieh. Their results suggest that glutamine may partly interact with the salicylic acid pathway to trigger plant immunity.

The Plant Cell Article of the Week: Cell-Cell Communication and Initial Population Composition Shape the Structure of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid Quasispecies
The spotlight is on Jian Wu, and David M Bisaro. Their results emphasize the role of cell-to-cell communication and initial population composition in shaping PSTVd quasispecies.
Plant Direct Article of the Week: A survey of the Sli gene in wild and cultivated potato
Inbred-hybrid breeding of diploid potatoes necessitates breeding lines that are self-compatible. One way of incorporating self-compatibility into incompatible cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) germplasm is to introduce the S-locus inhibitor gene (Sli), which functions as a dominant inhibitor of gametophytic self-incompatibility. This study demonstrates that genetic factors besides the Sli gene must be important for conditioning a switch in the mating system from self-incompatible to self-compatible in wild potatoes.

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